Establishing companies in the Sultanate of Oman
The establishment of Arab and foreign companies in the Sultanate of Oman by the City Squares Company for Public Relations and Communication, where the City Squares Company provides investor residency services in the Sultanate of Oman and provides specialized cadres in the services of businessmen, investors and business owners in the Sultanate by assuming the incorporation service process by the Ministry of Commerce in The Sultanate, in cooperation with the Sanad Center and Office for Services, where the staff, at the request of any of the clients, is responsible for registering the company’s files in all government departments, issuing the necessary licenses and civil defense licenses, clearing transactions and completing all the client’s requirements within a short period, which facilitates the incorporation process, as the city squares company contributes For public relations and communication with clients in saving time and effort so that they can follow up on their work with ease and ease.

Keeping corporate documents for investors in the Sultanate of Oman
The city squares company saves the official documents of the companies and refers to them when needed, especially when renewing, while providing full privacy to customers about the process of keeping a special file for each company and one user to access these documents.

Termination of investor services in the Sultanate of Oman
Cities Square Company contributes to the review of governmental and private departments and agencies and the clearance of transactions through the company’s branch in the Sultanate of Oman. The Sultanate of Oman has advantages that attract investors through the strategic location of the Sultanate and the provision of all investment elements, as well as the establishment and development of free zones that contribute to serving investors and bringing investments to the Sultanate.

Investment and investor service
The Sultanate of Oman set out to launch its renewed economy through the Oman Vision 2040, which has become the focus of the world’s attention for the trend towards investment in the Sultanate of Oman from all countries to the best economic destinations.
City Squares Company for Public Relations and Communication contributes to the investment service in the Sultanate of Oman by offering and providing investment opportunities for Arab and foreign companies through the company’s office in the Sultanate of Oman.

Provide investment requirements
The City Square Company provides and explains all investment requirements to investors in the Sultanate of Oman by explaining the regulations and method of establishing companies in the Sultanate of Oman, informing investors of all investment opportunities in the Sultanate, standardizing investment procedures and serving investors to the fullest.

Receiving applications of Arab and foreign companies for investment
The office of the City Squares Company for Public Relations and Communication in the Sultanate of Oman receives all requests from Arab and foreign companies that wish to invest in the Sultanate of Oman or establish a company in the Sultanate of Oman. maybe.
The office of Cities Square Company in the Sultanate of Oman seeks to provide the requirements for investment and the establishment of companies in all economic activities in the Sultanate of Oman by presenting suitable opportunities according to the request of investors wishing to invest or establish a company in the Sultanate of Oman, providing reception upon arrival in Oman, booking hotels, providing a special practical tour and informing them of the activities Economic activities in the Sultanate of Oman and tours within the free zones available in the Sultanate of Oman.

The process of establishing and terminating investment licensing procedures
And where the city squares company for public relations and communication contributes to the investment service in the Sultanate of Oman by assuming the establishment process and finalizing the licensing procedures and civil defense licenses for investors with all professionalism, which reflects the level and method of work and the professionalism of serving Arab and foreign companies wishing to invest in the Sultanate of Oman.

Investor residency services in the Sultanate of Oman
Cities Square Company provides a residence service for investors in the Sultanate of Oman, which gives him many advantages that the investor obtains and contributes to the stability and growth of their business. A specialized cadre to link the relationship with these entities and the immediate follow-up of the issuance of residence permits to investors and their companions in a professional manner, which brings economic and social benefits at all levels to investors.

Steps to establish companies in the Sultanate of Oman for investors
The investment in the Sultanate of Oman has also become distinguished in the Sultanate of Oman in the economic future and future projects, including industrial, logistical and commercial projects
Companies in the Sultanate of Oman are classified as follows:
1 – Excellent degree, the advantages of government tenders and the expansion of business and employment
2 – First degree, advantages of government tenders, expansion of business and employment
3 – Fourth degree, great advantages in government and private sector benefits
4 – Third degree, wonderful advantages in government and private sector advantages that work as the first and excellent companies work within the limits of the business allocation
The city squares company also establishes companies for investors, articles of incorporation, and establishment of branches for Arab and international companies in the Sultanate of Oman. It also undertakes the tasks of all governmental procedures, licenses, records, issuance of residencies, activation of government files, preservation of documents, and confidentiality of information.

Administrative services
The city squares company also provides administrative services to the investing companies by providing branch managers for companies and supplying specialized employees with the recruitment of technical and professional workers.

Customer services program for city squares company
When establishing your company in the Sultanate of Oman through the city squares company, the staff saves documents through the squares program, which saves all customer documents in name, number and date, as the program is distinguished in alerting customers to the expiration of licenses or commercial records, and it is a program with a staff dedicated to government contractual relations with companies, whether Monthly or annually, the company has responsibility and privacy in following up the business of companies by government departments by a company licensed by the Ministry of Commerce and Investment Promotion in the Sultanate of Oman.

Businessmen Services
Cities Square Company provides the service of receiving businessmen and coordinating appointments for them by management with government ministries, industrial cities and economic bodies. It also provides escort and translation services, visiting economic and tourist sites, providing luxury cars, the best drivers, hotel reservations and an introductory guide to the Sultanate. The company also provides the service of opening bank accounts for the best banks In the Sultanate of Oman, with the provision of facilitation services for projects and the conclusion of agreements and commercial deals.

Providing integrated services to the investor in the Sultanate of Oman
City Squares Company provides the service of providing documented administrative places
In the best places throughout the Sultanate of Oman with the provision of competent staff

Providing housing and school services to the investor in the Sultanate of Oman
Cities Square Company provides housing service, purchase of villas and hotel apartments, buying or renting, along with providing school acceptance service for children in public and private schools, while providing student delivery and 24-hour communication service in the service of major investors.
City Squares for Public Relations and Communication provides public relations service by contracting with all government agencies and the private sector in its various activities and seeks to highlight the linkage of relations and present the best image of the Kingdom to businessmen and VIP guests and visitors with the highest quality and excellence.