Post incorporation services
Our customers can contract with us in post-incorporation service, whether foreign or Arab companies or internal companies to form government relations in different countries, complete government transactions, create foundation contracts, follow up on companies’ work, receive a full copy of the establishment’s documents officially, and include all documents, licenses, articles of incorporation and employee contracts In a dedicated file we have and create a special archive for each company in a program dedicated to the city squares company that saves all documents and has advantages in alerting any document that is about to expire three months before completion. Also, in this program there is a service for personnel affairs, employment, residence numbers, copies of medical and health insurance cards, entry and exit cards Car insurance, renewal of forms, vehicle inspection, customs clearance, receipt of goods, receipt of parcels, delivery of official documents that we receive from companies or that we extract, delivery of assets to the contracting company, and we save a full copy with the program in a dedicated file. Social insurance and notifying the contracting companies of any notice regarding the renewal of licenses or residencies, or the expiration of work contracts or licenses, and others.
Our clients can contract with us on services after establishing companies, completing licenses for the Investment Authority, issuing records, and establishing companies, as we do the following:

Examples of post-company services
- Choose the company's location (administrative or industrial) in the appropriate place.
- Creation of articles of incorporation
- Complete government transactions
- Fully equipping the company with furniture, offices and others.
- Receipt of goods and equipment and customs clearance.
- Marketing the products of companies and factories inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman, presenting them to beneficiaries, and preparing agreements.
- Providing companies with all that is new in the labor market and updates of the Ministry of Human Resources and others.
- Registering establishments in the government procurement portal and submitting tenders.
- Booking and managing exhibitions for companies.
- Opening and launching projects and documenting them.
- Receiving the companies' mail and sending it to the company concerned department.
- Selecting trained staff and employing them according to the company's request.
- Follow up on all problems facing companies and individuals with government agencies in the Sultanate of Oman.
- Work confidentially for all corporate business.
- Formation of government relations in the Sultanate of Oman

Post incorporation services
- Pleading service and legal advice in all public, commercial and labor courts. A service for following up the agenda and applying for government tenders.
- Pleading service and legal advice in all public, commercial and labor courts. A service for following up the agenda and applying for government tenders.
- Making agreements between companies.
- customs clearance
- Evaluating the performance of employees and distinguished service, highlighting the best image of the reputation of companies and contracting bodies on social media platforms, transmitting news and publishing everything new, providing the best public relations delegates, allocating a cadre specialized in public relations for each contracting company, and facilitating all their requirements and government services and serving the private sector.
- Accounting bookkeeping service and submitting tax returns through an accredited office at reasonable prices. We supervise and follow up banking services and facilities, choose the best banks, issue bank guarantees and finance services to our clients through accredited official bodies.
- Providing engineering consultancy services, plans, providing and making tenders for contractors to build any private sector project with engineering, advisory and administrative supervision on our part.
- Issuing travel tickets for labor and employees and booking hotels for guests and receiving them.
- Making agreements and documenting contracts by our legal department and an accredited legal advisory office to preserve rights and conclude agreements.
- The management of the city squares company supervises, follows up, advises and guides the investor at the beginning of his project, including providing a site, furnishing the place, providing cars and housing for employees, sending reports to the senior contracting management, sending mail, and sending all new government facilities.
- One of the advantages of our management is to reduce the cost of the contracting management with a distinguished difference in all the services that we perform with the best service and the highest excellence.
- We also provide the service of holding exhibitions and commercial events.
- Creating an events file and marketing via social media platforms.
- Manage clients' social media accounts through the marketing service on behalf of others, which we are authorized to work with for our clients.
Cities Square Company is considered a partner for the success of any company or project in the Saudi market from an economic point of view in the Saudi market, and there are investment opportunities currently in the focus of the world, and we help you in managing your service and government business without hesitation. Continue in the Sultanate of Oman, the Arab Sultanate of Oman, and we are with you.